Services :

The Department of Information Technology at GCRI is enabler to provide better patient care services. This Department provides ITC enabled services for patients and administration like IT enabled HELP LINE, Patient File Request System, Complain Registration & Redress System for Patients and Maintenance Request System for internal users.
IT Department has already adopted latest IT technologies and also will be ready to remain updated with new upcoming technologies. Business continuity Planning (BCP), Network security through firewall and antivirus , Data security through access control, Data protection through data backups and restore procedures, License compliance, Cloud based e Mail system, Hospital Information Management System and periodically maintenance of Institute's Website. This department is providing support for the IT infrastructure and automation facility by obeying the rules and regulations of IT SOP (Standard Operating Procedures).
Our road map is to move to cloud based computing to minimize on premises IT infrastructure. IT department take initiative in selecting and implementing new application.
IT Department maintains continuous network up time. User support functions, Trouble shooting, monitoring of Internet Bandwidth utilization, provides secure connectivity to remote locations through VPN and Secure site to site tunnels with auto failover facility. IT Department also manages satellite remote centers.
GCRI Managed IT services

About the GCRI IT Helpdesk
The GCRI IT helpdesk acts as a single point of contact for requests and problems of users. Requests and problems can be communicated to the IT helpdesk by: logging into service portal / sending an email / calling the service helpdesk by phone.
The service desk is open from 8:00 a.m. To 6:00 p.m.