Services :

There are six Surgical Oncology Units (1), and six Superspeciality Oncology Units (2-7).
Superspeciality Oncology Units are Interventional Therapy Centre (2), Musculoskeletal Onco Surgery
(3), Ophthalmic Surgery (4), Paediatric Surgery Oncology (5), Plastic Surgery Oncology (6) and
Urosurgery Oncology (7).
1. General Surgical Oncology
Services :
The department offers services in diagnosis, treatment and palliative care of the patients in the field osf
Head and Neck, Thoracic, Gastro-intestinal and Colorectal, Hepato-pancreato-billiary, breast and others. In the
last year total 4411 major surgeries were performed by general surgical oncology. Different surgical teams
occupy eight major surgical operation theatres. Day stay unit facilities are provided for biopsy, endoscopic
procedure and evaluation of lesion before planning of surgery. The department is involved in diagnostic,
perioperative care, follow up and care of terminally ill patients.

Clinical Activities :
Camps for early detection of cancer are conducted
at various places in Gujarat and in the
neighbouring states, including organizations such
as ONGC, Air Force and Armed Forces etc. The
department also participates in GCRI academic
Academic Activities :
Regular lectures and teaching programmes are
conducted for M.Ch. Resident Doctors and Fellows
in the department in the form of case presentation,
seminar, journal reading and region wise topic
presentation. Research Activities :
Maintenance of patient’s records and statistical
data analysis is done. The data is presented in
national level conferences and published in
national / international journals.
2. Interventional Therapeutic Centre (IVTC)
Services :
The department had conducted 4921
procedures from April 2013 to March 2014 which
included 220 E.R.C.P. procedures. Only 50%
institutes in the world carry out more than 200
procedures every year making this a high volume
centre for this specialized procedure. In addition to
carry out routine diagnostic procedures all
therapeutic procedures like dilatations, banding, sclerotherapy, Glue therapy, Pyloric dilatations,
ballon dilatation for achalasia cardia, oesophageal
SEMS placement, duodenal SEMS placement,
foreign body removal, snare ampullary excision for
ampullary adenoma, biliary and pancreatic
stenting, pleuroscopy, polypectomies and colonic
stenting were carried out. The department has also
been imparting training programme for those
interested in learning endoscopy.
3. Musculoskeletal Surgery
Services :
It has two OPD days in a week. The
operation theatre of Musculoskeletal Oncology is
well equipped with ultra-modern instruments and
equipments like oscillating saw, oscillating drill,
universal assimilating drill, laminar air flow, radiolucent operation theatre table with all
necessary attachments, Image Intensifier
Television (IITV) etc. In this period total 188
surgeries were performed.
Academic Activities :
The department is also actively involved in
teaching programme of MCh students including dissertation submission and internally case
presentations in the institutional clinical meetings. 4. Ophthalmic Surgery
Services :
The department offers services in OPD, Operation Theatre and Day Stay, twice per week. They
examine, investigate and treat patients. In this period total 12 surgeries were performed.
Clinical Activities :
Retinoblastoma tumor board initiation along with
paediatric oncologists, radiation oncologists,
pathologists and consultants from M & S Institute
o f Ophthalmology (for laser biopsy of
retinoblastoma cases). In the last year about 30
tumor board meetings were held.
5. Paediatric Surgery Oncology
Services :
The department offers its services to
paediatric OPD, Day Stay Unit and operation
theatre for treatment of paediatric cancer patients.
The department does the procedure of Hickman catheterization, a very important central catheter,
for paediatric patients. The procedure is done
under radiological guidance. In this period total
160 surgeries were performed.
Academic Activities :
The department is also actively involved in
teaching programme of MCh students including dissertation submission and internally case
presentations in the institutional clinical meetings. 6. Reconstructive (Plastic) Surgery
Services :
Apart from attending OPD once a week,
reconstructive surgeries are done in main
operation theatre twice per week. In this period,
total 102 surgeries were performed.
Reconstructive surgeries for head and neck cancer
patients and CFRs with the help of neurosurgeons are done. Screening of patients requiring
prosthesis is done in OPD and they are guided
about the artificial limbs and body parts. The
department offers services to the patients from all
over Gujarat who require reconstruction of lost
body parts and guides them about prosthesis.
Academic Activities :
The department is also actively involved in teaching programme of MCh students including dissertation submission and internally case presentations in the institutional clinical meetings.
7. Urosurgery Oncology
Services :
The department offers services in OPD,
operation theatre and day stay unit. In this period total 278 surgeries were performed. They examine,
investigate and treat patients of urogenital cancer.
Academic Activities :
The department is also actively involved in teaching programme of MCh students including dissertation submission and internally case presentations in the institutional clinical meetings.
Neuro Surgery
Services :
The department is well equipped with two operation theatres. The operation theatre is well
equipped with Laminar Air Flow and state of the art anaesthesia system by British Oxygen Company,
Microscope with CCTV by Zeiss, Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator by Valley Lab, Modern Diathermy Generator
by Valley Lab and Bovi, C-Arm with DSA facilities, Operation table with remote control, Radio Frequency
Lesion Generator, Intensive Care facilities with state of the art cardio respiratory monitoring system and its
own dedicated Central Sterile Supply department.
Academic Activities :
The department is also actively involved in
teaching programme of MCh students including
dissertation submission and internally case
presentations in the Institutional clinical meetings.
Clinical Services :
The department is running OPD on Monday and
Thursday every week where new patients are
examined and the follow up patients are regularly
attended in the OPD. The indoor references are
regularly attended. The services to the poor
patients for neurosurgical diseases are offered. In
this period 434 Supramajor, 117 major and 21 minor surgeries (Total = 572) were performed. The
department also provides emergency services to
the patients. The regular teaching to the Medical
Officers and Research Fellow is carried out during
the ward round and operation. The clinical meeting
of the institute is being regularly attended by all the
medical staff and the presentations are made in the
clinical meeting as per the schedule. All the medical
staff remains update with reading of the standard
neurosurgical text books and the journals at the
library. The department is also having interactions
with other departments of the hospital e.g. Surgical
Oncology, Plastic Surgery, Medical Oncology,
Endocrinology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Radiation
Oncology, Radiology and Physiotherapy. The
medical staff is regularly presenting the clinical
research paper at the national and international
conferences. There is also potential to start DNB
courses in the speciality of Neurosurgery at the