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Medical & Pediatric Oncology
Academic Staff
Dr. Pankaj M. Shah
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Harsha P. Panchal
Professor and Head of
Medical Oncology
Dr. Apurva A. Patel
Professor (Practicing)
Dr. Sonia Parikh
Professor of Medical Oncology
Dr. Rajan Yadav
Assistant Professor
Dr. Maharishi Trivedi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Kajal M. Shah
Adhoc Assistant Professor
Bone Marrow Transplant Services
Dr. Sandip A. Shah
Part Time Associate Professor & Incharge BMT Services
Dr. Kamlesh Shah
Medical Officer (B.M.T.)
Dr. Ambica Vachani
Medical Officer
Paediatric Oncology
Dr. Chinmay V. Doctor
Junior Lecturer
Dr. Mayur Jakotra
Medical Officer
Psychiatry Services
Dr. Gopal Bhatia
Honorary Psychiatric
Dr. Nanditha Ramsingh
Fulltime pulmooncology critical care specialist
Dr. Asif Mansuri
Visiting pulmooncology critical care specialist
Dr. Jaimin Patel
Visiting pulmooncology critical care specialist
Contact Details
Department of Medical & Pediatric Oncology

Direct :
079-22688000 ; 079-22690000


Services :

The department of medical oncology was established in 1972 and nurtured by stalwarts like Dr.Pankaj M. Shah, Dr. Kirti M. Patel, late Dr. Shilin N Shukla, Dr. Bharat J. Parikh, Dr. Shailesh S Talati and Dr. Asha S Anand. The goal of the department is to provide best possible comprehensive medical treatment even to patients with low socio-economical background maintaining scientific attitude and humane approach. It has dedicated medical and pediatric oncology wings, BMT services and clinical trial services.

The department of medical and paediatric oncology provides comprehensive care for adult and paediatric patients with solid tumours and haematological malignancies.

Indoor Beds: Adult 92, Paediatric 90, Leukemia 26, BMT 4, Medical ICU 12,total 224 beds

Every year approximately 1118 new adult patients are registered under medical department and 127086 old and referred cases attended outdoor departments. There are approximately 37638 patients received curative or palliative chemotherapy either as indoor (224 beds) or in day care center (56 beds).

Number of new paediatric cancer patients registered at paediatric center annually is approximately 1361. Approximately 4789 children receive chemotherapy either as indoor or in day care center. About 12346 minor procedures are performed annually. The center also has special OPD for care of central lines like PICC and Hickman.

The department runs DM medical oncology super-specialty course attached to BJ medical college and Gujarat University. The course started in 1991 with intake of 4 students per year which has increased to 10 students per year from 2010-19 and 9 students per year 2020 onwards

Daycare Chemotherapy centers has been started by Prime Minister for 29 districts from 11th october, 22. GCRI is a nodal hospital for daycare chemotherapy. Department of medical oncology has responsibility for conducting and coordinating the staff training of doctors and nurses for chemotherapy administration. Series of training of MOs and physician has been done.

OPD Information

NABH Certified

Ethics Committee Accredited for NABH

ISO 15189:2012
@ The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, All Rights Reserved.