The mission of the GCRI is to provide state-ofthe
art diagnostic and therapeutic services to
the patients of all types of origin and financial
background suffering from cancer. Its scope
also encompasses registering the tumor burden in the population, prevention through
awareness drives, solving local medical
problems through research and training of
medical students as well as imparting
knowledge to the medical fraternity.
To fulfil the mission, GCRI
Conducts OPD and indoor activities for diagnosis, staging, treatment and monitoring disease progress.
Renders free or subsidized treatment to needy patients without any
distinction of caste, creed or religion.
Provides training to new generation of doctors as well as practicing
Offers unique experimental and research-oriented diagnosis and treatment
services to test new forms of diagnosis and therapy in order to improve
quality of life and expected survival of those afflicted with cancer.
Organizes public education programmes, the diagnostic and blood donation
camps, conferences and other scientific meets.
Displays a permanent Cancer Awareness and Anti-tobacco exhibition and
arranges other preventive efforts.
Runs instruction based Hospice Centre, Home-Hospice Services and
Rehabilitation Service.
GCRI, with a multi-disciplinary close
relationship between cancer care, research
and education, intends to provide the greatest
hope to the patients and the general
population whose needs, we endeavour to
cater to. It strives to see that fruits of modern
science reach up to the last man. GCRI believes
that the world class cancer research, state of
art therapeutic efforts and intensive and extensive educational efforts regarding
prevention, detection, treatment and
palliation in the field of cancer will improve the
quality of life of all those who suffer from it.
GCRI collaboration believes that with other
cancer organisations, research laboratories
and pharma-research establishments will
bring a better tomorrow.
Core Values
GCRI is dedicated to:
Scientific attitude and humane approach to diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Inquisitiveness, innovation and creativity in the field of research and its translation into day-to-day clinical applications.
Value oriented as well as information and skill-intensive educational programmes.
Respect to all schools of thoughts and endeavours for free exchange of ideas with due acknowledgements of contributions by each member of GCRI.
Simple, effective and targeted awareness programmes for prevention as well as early detection of cancer and anti-tobacco drive directed at the medical profession and population at large.
Providing hope, sympathy and respect to all those who are terminally ill.
“Sometimes money, sometimes wisdom, sometimes social support or sometimes work experience is obtained. One's efforts to alleviate suffering never go un-rewarded.” |
