Services : The department is equipped with latest state of the art equipment’s. Department has 3.0 Tesla wide bore MRI machine, 128 slice CT Scan, 16 slice CT Scan, Digital mammography with Tomosynthesis and Robotic Breast Biopsy system, Digital Radio Fluroscopy, Digital Radiography, Digital Mobile X-ray machine, High end Ultrasound with Elastography.
Clinical Activities :
The department of Radio diagnosis conducts
radiological part of health checkup programme at
COC vasna. X ray, mammography and
ultrasonography are performed at cheaper rates,
for early detection of pathology. Department also
support radiological part at various camps and
health checkup programmes managed by institute.
2. Radiology department is taking active participation in performing mammography at various camps organised by GCRI in Gujarat. Department also involved in Executive Health Check-up organised for IAS/IPS/IFS.