Services : OPD List (English) / OPD List (Gujarati)

New Cases
During the year 2022, a total of 25,192 patients were registered.
Follow Up Cases (Outdoor patients) :
A total of 2,88,932 outdoor patients for follow up were registered during the year 2022.
Patient’s follow up information is also maintained. For patient’s convenience, SMS software is implemented. Patient can inform through SMS prior to his/her follow up day so that his/her casefile is kept ready before patient’s arrival. Helpline facility through phone call is also started for follow up. Patient can make appointment the day before his/her follow up day by phone call on helpline number. His/her appointment is registered and SMS is send to his/her mobile number. The MRD staffs keep these file ready when patient come for follow up.
Patient Welfare Schemes’ verification and sanction:
The documents under various patient welfare schemes such as Ayushman Bharat Pradhanmantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), School Health Programme, Scheduled Castes (SC) & Scheduled Tribes (ST) Welfare, Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN), Employees State Insurance Scheme (E.S.I.S.), Lower income group category(L.I.G.), Indian Cancer Society (ICS) fund etc. are verified and sanctioned.
OPD List (English) / OPD List (Gujarati)